Thursday, May 21, 2009

Pollution's affect .

Our community, our world, has been badly affected by pollution.


Anonymous said...

Firstly, your blog looks very uncompleted and looks like very little time and effort was put into it. Also you have many grammar mistakes and errors on your blog. You didn't take time to research that much i can see. The last post that you wrote was only a sentence. Another thing that was not so good about your blog was how you wrote it and presented it. I was extremely unprofessional. You wrote as if you were passing notes to your friends. A good thing about your blog were the pictures. They seemed like you put some effort into them and were nice to look at.

PAiGE and ANtHONY said...

Firstly, your blog looks very uncompleted and looks like very little time and effort was put into it. Also you have many grammar mistakes and errors on your blog. You didn't take time to research that much i can see. The last post that you wrote was only a sentence. Another thing that was not so good about your blog was how you wrote it and presented it. I was extremely unprofessional. You wrote as if you were passing notes to your friends. A good thing about your blog were the pictures. They seemed like you put some effort into them and were nice to look at. My solution to your problem is to recycle and to do simple things that make your life greener. For example you can take off your shoes when you go into a house to prevent air pollution. The dust can cause pollution from your shoes.

SORRY FROM THE PREVIOUS POST. I accidently put anonymous.


This is the art of the trash on Hawaii's beach